Saturday, September 3, 2016

Unity Fitbit Class finally online!


Hey everyone. So I've done 2 posts on Unity and Fitbit and how to get it up and running before.
Lots of people have been asking about the UnityFitbit class that I either mentioned I would get online (and have just been busy/not wanting to refactor so you guys can actually use it :P )

Well today I finally sat down and refactored it out so it "should be" ready to be used by other people

Find it on Github and feel free to submit fixes/updates etc. to it as well.

By all means there is some crap in there that I should clean up (the Json convert to XML for starters)
But this is just what I've been using because it's what "I" need personally for my project.

If you think you can help out by making it work better and just in the JSON by all means please make a branch and submit some pull requests :D


PS: Make sure to check out  if you need to figure out how to get it all working natively (as per Fitbit's ToS)